Asset Rules
Asset Rules
- To avoid any arguments personal assets should be kept in your own hangar at all times where possible.
- Any items that you specifically want to leave in corporation hangars need to be stored in a can renamed with your name on it. The best option is to either use a secure can with a password or an audit log can.
- If you leave something in a public corporation hangar (not in a secure audit log can) don’t complain if it goes missing.
- Any items in the corporation hangars at POS’s or stations belong to the corporation. No exceptions.
- If you own a BPO that you are happy for the corporation to have use of it will be stored in the Directors secure hangar slot and recorded as belonging to you.
- Corporation owned BPO’s will be kept in a secure location which is readable by all corporation members but accessible only to directors. If you require the use of one of these blueprints you will need to contact one of the directors to copy it for you (if no copies are already available from one of the public hangar slots).
- Any assets located in the armory can be used by corporation members to fit ships. These items are not to be removed for melting down or sale for personal gain. Any person found to be breaking this rule will face instant dismissal.
- Any minerals belonging to the corporation may be used for production of goods that benefit the corp (not personal gain). Any person found to be using corporation minerals for personal gain will face instant dismissal.